by Susun Weed
I have a vision. I see green blessings all around.
I envision
an America filled with healthy, happy people,
where everyone has access to simple
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herbal medicines, and herbal medicine is restored to its rightful place as people’s medicine. Herbal medicine as the medicine of the people, for the people, and by the people. Herbal medicine as the medicine of the 99% who work for a living.
Herbal medicine is kitchen medicine. It is hedge medicine. It is our birthright. It is preventative medicine, safe primary care, compassionate complementary medicine.
In my vision, three-year-olds use herbal medicine. School children put plantain on their boo-boos. Teenagers take milk thistle seed tincture before they experiment with alcohol or drugs. Mothers offer toddlers nourishing herbal infusions to drink. Families forage for healing herbs together. Seniors are free of drugs; simple herbs keep their hearts, bones, and brains healthy. In my vision, healing occurs through nourishing. I call this the Wise Woman Tradition.
The Wise Woman Tradition adds on. It enlarges. It enriches. It expands. It includes. Nourishment loves and protects what is already present. Healing ourselves and our environment through nourishment is a radical idea whose time has come. The Wise Woman Tradition is ready to ignite the birth of the new world now that the old one is dead, to awaken the gifts of nourishment. You are part of this transformation because you support the Wise Woman Way, perhaps even share it, or teach it. You carry it on.
Instead of getting high, we’re expanding our minds and our souls, touching deep into the earth and deep into our bodies. That’s the Wise Woman Way. Instead of making war by cleansing, we’re allowing ourselves to be nourished by life, every breathing, living, vibrating, insistent bit of it. That’s the Wise Woman Way. Instead of fixing everything that is not normal, we’re reveling in the abundant diversity of life, the spiraling immensity of possibility and pattern...
I am deeply thankful that so much of my vision is becoming reality. Yes, there is still much to be done. Together, let us reweave the healing cloak of the Ancients.
Susun S Weed